A Guide to Writing An Exploratory Essay

Exploratory EssayAn essay can be defined as a short piece of writing that reflects a writer’s thoughts, experiences, etc.  Since essays are fundamentally linear in nature as they propose one idea at a time, essays should present their ideas in an order that makes maximum sense to a reader. Essays can be both formal and informal in nature. Formal essays are usually academic in nature.

An exploratory Essay refers to a short piece of article wherein a writer examines an idea or experience without always feeling the necessity to support a claim with evidence and facts. Exploratory essays are speculative, digressive, and ruminative and are personal in subject and approach.

Exploratory Essay Writing Help Services

The Essay Writing Help Services provided by Ace My Homeworks offers exploratory essay writing help to students not only with their academic work but also helps them to gain an insight into how to write exploratory essays. We offer 24/7 Exploratory Essay Writing Help Services to Australian students and help them comprehend the concepts and give them an opportunity to interact with our team of experts and get the much-required help they seek.

Students can reach out and connect to us any time of day or night and clarify their doubts and our team of experts is always to assist them. Regardless of what time it is, we are always at your service to ensure that all your inquiries are attended to. Our team of experts and scholars offers you guidance on writing exploratory essays, in addition to providing a Structure and Layout check. You can also avail of our editing and proofreading services and ensure there is no error in the construction of sentences, and language, and that your essay is free of grammatical errors.

Characteristics of an Exploratory Essay

Exploratory essays can be characterized by the following traits:

  • Unlike Expository essays which are closed, and allow only one interpretation, an exploratory essay is more open and allows multiple readings, interpretations, or responses to a work. It cultivates complexity and ambiguity and allows multiple readings.
  • While an expository essay attempts to prove and justify its contentions, an exploratory essay explores links between cultural links, personal life, and the natural world and gives readers the space to think back on their personal experiences and engage themselves.
  • Exploratory essays are characterized by associational thinking.
  • The subject matter of an exploratory essay is personal, the essay is written on a topic that is of great interest to the person writing the essay.
  • The approach is personal as well
  • Use of similes and other figurative language at length.

Format of an Exploratory Essay

An essay follows a basic structure and consists of three parts known as an Introduction, a discussion, and Conclusion.

  • Introduction: The introduction sets the focus of one’s essay wherein one introduces the topic. The introduction enlightens the readers about the main idea of the essay. An introduction should provide a clear and concise overview of your thoughts and the arguments that you hold regarding your topic and give a very brief synopsis of your essay. You could get creative while writing the introduction of your essay. This will ensure that you draw the attention of the reader and keep the reader engaged.
  • Discussion: Discussion also refers to the Body of your Essay. This will form the main core of your essay and you should include the chief and the most significant content of the essay here. The body of the essay would contain information regarding your topic, explaining and describing your topic in detail. Paragraphs are integral to writing a good essay and each paragraph should put forth a new idea.
  • Conclusion: This is where one concludes and summarizes their essay in a clear and concise format. You should bring together your thoughts and opinions and write them together in the conclusion. The conclusion tends to bring closure and put forth your ideas while simultaneously giving a final standpoint on your chosen topic. While writing a conclusion, make sure to review the important points that support your thesis statement. It should be kept in mind that a conclusion does not contain any new information and hence you should not include any new information while writing your conclusion. The conclusion of your essay should merely be a summary of your ideas, thoughts, arguments, and points that you have mentioned in the essay.

After you have written your essay, you should edit and proofread your essay, checking for grammatical errors or errors in sentence construction or language

Structure of an Exploratory Essay

  • Introduction paragraph
  • First sentence
  • Thesis statement
  • Body paragraph
  • Information pertaining to the subject
  • Research is undertaken on the topic
  • Conclusion paragraph
  • Reiterate your thesis statement
  • Provide supporting arguments
  • Write a call to action

Write the Thesis Statement

A thesis statement informs the reader about the purpose of your essay. A thesis statement should mention the topic of your essay along with the chief argument of your essay and also state your response to the problem. The thesis statement should be written in the first paragraph of the essay and then reiterated again when you write the conclusion of your essay.

Write the Introductory paragraph

After you have created a thesis statement, write an interesting introductory paragraph. Make the introduction of your essay interesting in order to draw and retain the attention of your readers.

Write the body paragraphs

In this section of the essay, you should describe, explain or put forth your arguments. Each paragraph should elucidate a separate idea. The paragraph should begin with an introductory sentence followed by the central idea, backed with examples and requisite information and examples. You should also ensure that you cite all the reference materials that you use.

Write the conclusion paragraph

The conclusion of an essay provides you with a chance to summarize your ideas. Make it short and concise. Refrain from introducing new ideas while writing your conclusion and only summarize your previous arguments. You may choose to reaffirm your thesis statement and support your stance once again.

Edit your first draft

After you have finished writing your essay, edit and proofread your work. Check the structure of your essay and ensure that you have the correct format is used. Revise and double-check your paper to ensure that the sentences are well constructed and there is a smooth flow of thoughts with paragraphs flowing into each other effortlessly. Check for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and punctuation marks and make changes if required. Delete irrelevant sections and improve expressions by altering the vocabulary. Ensure that your essay does not exceed the word count or fall short of it. Finally, write the final draft of your essay and submit it within the cut-off date.

Things to Avoid While Writing An Exploratory Essay

A common flaw in essays is what experts call the “walk-through” (also known as “summary” or “description”). Walk-through essays are essays that chart the structure of their sources instead of establishing their own. These types of essays, in general, have a descriptive thesis instead of an argumentative one and should be best avoided. Steer clear of paragraph openers that include “time” words (“after,” “first,” “next,” “then”)

Exploratory Essay Writing Help

Our team of experts and scholars at Ace My Homeworks are qualified and conduct extensive research before helping each student write their exploratory essays or any other assignments of any other subjects. You can reach out and connect to us any time of day or night and clarify your doubts and our team of experts is always ready to assist you. Regardless of what time it is, we are always at your service to ensure that all your inquiries are attended to. We also provide a very affordable essay-writing service. The exploratory essay writing help services are very affordable in nature and are priced competitively which offers good quality for the price.

We have a money-back guarantee policy wherein if you are not satisfied with the essay writing help that we provide, you can ask for a refund and we shall give you your money back. We have a customer satisfaction policy and this is reflected in the fact that if you are not satisfied with our exploratory essay writing services, you can ask for multiple revisions of your work. This policy of revision is completely free of cost, provided that your requirements do not undergo a change with every request for revision. And on rare cases, if a customer is still not satisfied we have a money-back guarantee policy in place wherein we refund the money to the student.

Thus our team of experts and scholars at Ace My Homeworks provides students with academic help and ensures the doubts of students are cleared and they have a sound knowledge of a subject. Our scholars ensure that students are provided with a thorough understanding of a subject and have great clarity and insight. We maintain a high-quality check and will ensure that there is no plagiarism in your assignment thus ensuring that you fare well in a subject.


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Ace My Homeworks service is a company that provides academic assistance to students. These services can include tutoring, proofreading, and editing.

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The cost of using Ace My Homeworks services varies depending on the company and the type of service requested. However, many companies offer affordable rates for their services. Additionally, some companies offer discounts for bulk orders or for students who sign up for long-term service contracts.

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The type of help that you can expect from Ace My Homeworks services depends on the company that you choose. Some companies offer live tutoring sessions, while others simply provide written materials or answer questions via email. Some companies specialize in specific subject areas, while others provide general help for all subjects.

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When choosing an Ace My Homeworks service, it is important to select a company that offers personalized assistance and is familiar with the curriculum of your courses. Additionally, the company should be able to provide assistance with a variety of subjects, not just one or two.

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Assignment help services can provide you with the extra time you need to complete assignments and study for exams. Additionally, Ace My Homeworks services can give you personalized assistance and feedback on your work.


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